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www.6300.net   2010-11-30  中国工程机械信息网
导读:  为了巩固和加深与AEM业已达成的合作关系,同时,为了更好的在AEM会员公司中推广和宣传BICES,中工工程机械成套有限公司的陈由锋副董事长代表BICES主办方亲自率团参加了于11月8-9日在美国圣安东尼奥举行的20 ...



  In order to strengthen and deepen the relations with AEM and to promote BICES among the member companies of AEM, Mr. Chen Youfeng, the Vice President of China Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd. led a delegation to AEM Annual Conference held in San Antonio on Nov 8 – 9 on behalf of the organizers of BICES.

  During the annual conference, Mr. Chen Youfeng conducted in-depth communications with the key construction machinery manufacturers in regards to BICES, which further improved the recognition among the member companies of AEM. In particular, some of the companies expressed their will to participate in BICES 2011 to be stage in Oct next year in Beijing. Mr. Chen Youfeng said that this was the first time that BICES attended AEM Annual Conference. The face-to-face communication with those key players of the construction machinery industry has achieved a very positive feedback. It is an opportunity not only to better promote BICES, but also to learn more from each other. Undoubtedly, it will contribute to the development of BICES in the future.

来源:中国工程机械信息网|http://www.6300.net    打 印    关 闭
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