bauma China 2012 -决策中国 对话世界
bauma China 2012,bauma China适逢十周年,其展示面积将达到30万平方米。bauma China 2012的亮点不单单是展区面积的增大,伴随中国工程机械成长轨迹,展会将对工程机械产业链的关注延伸至产品创新研发以及全球工程机械需求共同发展 。主办方将致力于打造一个中国工程机械企业产业链与海外厂商全面沟通、对接的交流平台及窗口,bauma China 2012邀您决策中国,对话世界,共同探讨全球行业增长点。目前看来,经历了近十年工程机械高速发展后,企业开始冷静下来思考接下去的行业走向问题,产品外型以及实用性的研发将会是新的增长点。
2010年面对全球经济危机,bauma China提出了“生机盎然”的口号引领行业走出危机,bauma China 2012又将以什么内容作为主题?绿色话题在工程机械行业在欧洲由来已久,近几年内在中国的热度不断升温,国家政府及各界工程机械业内人士和企业开始关注工程机械的可持续发展问题。绿色环保、节能减排等话题逐渐被提上日程。bauma China 2012将持续覆盖“绿色”话题,关注买家所关心的产品使用周期等相关问题。同时面临欧债危机和全球经济二次探低的局面,制造业全面回归是欧美对抗危机的最佳解决出路,而中国行业领军企业也在近几年完成了全球布署的步伐,提升产品质量,投资海外也是很多企业未来发展战略,bauma China 2012提出“精筑四海 恒通天地”的展会口号,倡导中国制造业在做精的同时,立足中国,与全球企业共同协同发展,对产业链进行全面延伸。
bauma China 2012将于2012年11月27-30日在上海新国际博览中心期待您的参与。
bauma China 2012 –Explore Global Growth Opportunities
bauma China 2012 is the 10th anniversary of bauma China, of which the exhibition space will reach 300,000 sqm. bauma China 2012 not only enlarges the exhibition space, but also extends its attention to the product innovation and global demands of construction machinery industry. As the show’s organizer, Messe Muenchen International is committed to build a platform of communication and information exchange for the Chinese construction machinery enterprises and overseas manufacturers. After almost a decade of rapid development, construction machinery companies start to calm down and think about the industry’s future trends and directions. Product appearance and practicability can be a new growth point. bauma China 2012 would like to invite you to explore global growth opportunities of this industry with us.
Facing the global economic crisis, bauma China proposed the Build on Growth slogan in 2010 to lead the industry out of crisis. What will be the theme of bauma China 2012? Started from Europe, green topics have always been hot in construction machinery industry. As been heated up in China, national government and enterprises of the industry start to pay more attention to sustainable developments. Environment protection, energy conservation and other green topics have become significant. bauma China 2012 will continue to uphold to Green, and concern about the products’ life cycle issues. In the situation of European debt crisis and global economic recession, manufacturing rally is the best way for Europe and America to tackle crisis. In recent years, Chinese leading enterprises, who improve product quality and investment overseas, have also built global deployment strategies. The new slogan of bauma China 2012, Building Sustainable Success, advocates China’s manufacturing industry to join global development and extend industrial chains while improving its own qualities.
We do appreciate your accompany in the past successful 10 years and we are looking forward to meeting with you on Nov 27-30, 2012 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
About Messe Muenchen International (MMI)
Messe Muenchen International is one of the world’s leading trade-fair companies. In Munich alone it organizes around 40 trade fairs for capital and consumer goods, and key high-tech industries. Each year more than 30,000 exhibitors and over two million visitors take part in the events held in the New Munich Trade Fair Centre, the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich, and in the M,O,C, Events and Order Centre. In addition, Messe München International organizes trade fairs in Asia, Russia, the Middle East and South America. With six subsidiaries in Europe and Asia and more than 60 foreign representatives actively serving over 90 countries, Messe München International has a worldwide business network. The Group also takes a pioneering role as regards sustainability: It is the first trade-fair company to be awarded energy-efficiency certification from the technical inspection authorities TÜV SÜD.
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