当地时间3月14日,柳工携19款设备亮相美国拉斯维加斯工程机械展(CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023),涵盖装载机、挖掘机、推土机、压路机、叉车、移动式升降工作平台等多条产品线,其中包括在北美市场正式推出的8款新产品。
Las Vegas - March 14, 2023 - LiuGong showcased 19 machines at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023 in Las Vegas, including loader, excavator, bulldozer, roller, forklift and mobile elevated work platform. 8 products were officially launched in the North American market.
柳工新品一经亮相便成为焦点——856HE MAX电动装载机、9027F-E电动挖掘机,最大吨位995F挖掘机,9051FZTS和9057FZTS零尾挖掘机等吸引了众多客户咨询了解,且856HE Max成为柳工在美国市场售出的第一台电动装载机。
856HE MAX electric loader, 9027F-E electric excavator, 995F excavator of the largest tonnage, 9051FZTS and 9057FZTS zero tail swing compact excavators as well as other new products attracted the attention of many customers, and 856HE MAX became the first electric wheel loader that was sold to the United States Market.
In addition, LiuGong also featured HV series loaders (838HV, 856HV, 890HV) which have progressed to Stage V emissions standards and included updated transmission and hydraulic systems, 2025A-SC, 2030G and 2035G forklifts, S1930DE and S4046DE mobile elevated work platforms, 6612E roller and LiuGong Dressta TD-25M, TD-16N bulldozers.
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