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Caterpillar At CONEXPO/CON-AGG
www.6300.net   2005-03-29  中国工程机械信息网
导读:  LAS VEGAS, Nevada ?Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) will reinforce its industry leadership during CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2005 with a showcase of the broadest and most state-of-the-art product line in Ca ...

  LAS VEGAS, Nevada ?Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) will reinforce its industry leadership during CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2005 with a showcase of the broadest and most state-of-the-art product line in Caterpillar‘ history. In addition to the wide range of machinery and engines on display, Caterpillar will also focus on the unique solutions it offers to five key customer issues.

  “We know from talking with customers every day that controlling costs, boosting productivity, dealing with a shortage of skilled workers, maintaining safety on the job and addressing regulatory pressures are major challenges,?said Caterpillar Group President Gerry Shaheen. Customers visiting the Caterpillar exhibit at this show will see and learn about differentiated Caterpillar products, services and technologies that will help them address those concerns.”

  “Count on Cat?is the theme for Caterpillar at CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2005, the largest construction equipment exhibit in the Western Hemisphere.

  “With nearly 180,000 Caterpillar and Cat dealer employees around the world, ‘Team Caterpillar?is on the jobsite and down in the dirt working with our customers every day,?said Caterpillar Chairman and CEO Jim Owens. “This relentless focus on the customer helps Caterpillar understand what keeps customers awake at night so that we can develop solutions to meet their complex and growing list of needs.”

  CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2005 is expected to draw more than 100,000 industry professionals from 120 countries. The show opens today at the Las Vegas Convention Center, and Caterpillar’s 60,000-square-foot exhibit is the largest on site. The Caterpillar exhibit will include 53 machines and 13 engines showcasing the latest Caterpillar technology.

  Boosting Productivity and Increasing Safety With Caterpillar Technology

  Caterpillar's factory-installed AccuGrade?GPS is an industry first that is being showcased at CONEXPO/CON-AGG. This fully integrated grade control system dramatically improves productivity by helping equipment operators grade an area faster and with fewer passes.

  With AccuGrade GPS, the operator has the option to control the blade manually using these guidance tools or to let the system control the blade itself. Using AccuGrade, an inexperienced operator quickly becomes a good operator, and a veteran operator becomes a great one. In both cases, the result is much less operator fatigue and greater safety on the jobsite.

  AccuGrade GPS is currently available as an option on many of the track-type tractor models made by Caterpillar.

  Controlling Costs With Innovative Solutions

  No matter what industry they serve, Caterpillar customers are always asking how they can control costs, and Caterpillar's SystemOne?undercarriage system featured in Caterpillar's CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2005 exhibit will help them reduce owning and operating costs for track-type tractors and track loaders.

  The SystemOne undercarriage system features positive sealing, which means parts are sealed for life, eliminating the need for interim maintenance and reducing downtime and costs.

  This latest undercarriage feature builds on more than 100 years of innovative undercarriage solutions associated with the Caterpillar name. Based on customer feedback from field follow tests with SystemOne, this new design may double the life of the undercarriage in severe machine applications.

  Off-Road Machines Use ACERT?Technology to Meet Regulations

  This is the first time Caterpillar engines featuring ACERT Technology have been featured at CONEXPO/CON-AGG, but this revolutionary clean diesel technology has already proven itself with Caterpillar customers. Cat engines meet the new EPA Tier 3 diesel engine exhaust emissions standards that took effect on January 1. Caterpillar's display in Las Vegas includes 11 Caterpillar machines powered by engines featuring ACERT Technology. In total, 16 Cat machine models now feature ACERT, a number that is expected to reach 45 by the end of 2005. Additionally there are six more engines with ACERT in Caterpillar's industrial engine display at the show.

  "we're confident these engines are a superior solution when it comes to fuel economy, oil change intervals and oil change costs, and we fully expect them to have a longer life to first overhaul and lower overhaul costs,?Shaheen added. "So in addition to addressing our customers?concerns about regulatory issues, Cat engines with ACERT address some of their cost and productivity concerns too."

  "Our goal at CONEXPO/CON-AGG is to make sure our customers know they can count on Cat to develop solutions to help them make their businesses successful for years to come, which in turn will make Caterpillar successful in the years ahead,?Owens said.

来源:CAT      打 印    关 闭
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