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Bauma China 2004: building on
www.6300.net   2009-10-19  中国工程机械信息网
导读:  Bauma China 2004, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Construction Vehicles and Equipment will open its doors November 16-19 at the Shanghai N ...

  Bauma China 2004, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Construction Vehicles and Equipment will open its doors November 16-19 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai Pudong, China. Premiering in 2002, the Asian-based show builds on the area's growing construction industry, offering access to China and its neighboring regions.

  China is among one the largest economies in the world with a GDP of $1237 billion in 2002 and steady 7% growth annually. A major contributor to this growing economy is its construction sector that is further complemented by its increasing automotive, agricultural and electrical industries. The country also features the fifth largest export market for construction machinery and building materials machinery worldwide. It follows behind only that of the U.S., France, Germany and the U.K.

  To target this growing market, Bauma China is intended to provide the platform to reach all regions of China and the Far East, including Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. Created by the organization that operates Bauma in Germany, the four day exhibition focuses on building and construction, wholesale trade, machinery manufacturers, service providers and state and regional restitutions from the area.

  "Our goal with Bauma China 2004 is to build on the success of the premiere event," said MatUred Wutzlhofer, chairman and CEO of Messe Munchen GmbH. "In view" of the many and diverse tasks facing the Chinese construction industry, this fair offers exhibitors from all over the world an ideal environment in which to present innovative concepts and new technology for modern building projects."

  The initial launch of Bauma China 2002 saw more than 32,000 visitors from 61 countries and 458 exhibitors from 19 countries. Exhibitors filled 441,000 sq.ft. of exhibit space at the state-of-the-art SNIEC, which recently underwent its second phase of expansion to house two-thirds more outdoor exhibitors for the '04 show. Show organizers Messe Munchen GmbH (MMG), Internationaler Messe and Austelleungsdienst GmbH (IMAG) and SNIEC have already booked the outdoor area to capacity with exhibitors from more than 20 countries.

  At Bauma China 2004, the SNIEC, which is located 23 minutes from the city center, will house seven halls for a total of 866,000 sq.ft. of indoor space, plus 484,000 sq.ft, of outdoor exhibits. Separate national pavilions will showcase exhibits from Great Britain, France, Finland, Spain, Italy and the U.S. Approximately 230 exhibitors are from China and another 60 are participating in the joint German exhibit.

  Displayed at the show will be products and solutions from the construction machinery sector: earthmoving equipment, building materials machinery, site equipment, construction equipment, formwork and scaffolding, machines for road and tunnel construction, plus a variety of accessories and supplies.

  Show hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday: For more information visit the Bauma China 2004 website at www.bauma-china.com. ,

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